Fuertes parrot. Credit ProAves.ProAves has established a 1,500 acre nature reserve, which is the first private protected area for the critically endangered and endemic Fuertes's Parrot.
The species, whose population size is estimated at just 160 individuals, is restricted to a small area in the Cordillera Central of Colombia and is heavily impacted by deforestation. It was rediscovered by Fundación ProAves' President Alonso Quevedo who found a flock of 14 Fuertes's Parrots and confirmed the survival of a species that had last been seen in 1911, thanks to support from Fundación Loro Parque.
The reserve in Quindío department is characterized by a spectacular landscape of montane forests and paramo (wet moorland), and is situated in the core of the species population - an area recognized as crucial for the species by the Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE). It consolidates a zone of more than 5,000 acres with municipality of Génova land that ProAves manages. A strategic high elevation forest corridor has been established to assist the Fuertes's Parrot survival. The area is also extremely important for the Golden-plumed Parakeet (Vulnerable), and Rufous-fronted Parakeet (endemic, EN).
The reserve is situated in the western flank of the Central Cordillera, one hour from the town of Génova, 3-4,000 metres above sea level. Temperatures vary from 6° to 15° C and the area is often shrouded in dense cloud which promotes epiphytes that Fuertes's Parrot feeds on.
If you want to contribute to maintain the conservation activities on this new reserve or to help conserve Fuertes's Parrot, please support us with a secure donation online, join our Adopt a nest box program, or write to fundacion@proaves.org .
The reserve was established with the support of American Bird Conservancy and IUCN Netherlands/SPN and Netherlands Postcode Lottery.