Little Corella on the wing. Image by Lip KeeOLD Noarlunga residents have been asked to take to the streets banging pots and pans to help rid the town of corellas this season.
Onkaparinga Council has launched a resident volunteer program calling on locals to help move on thousands of corellas, which descend between November and April.
Council community ranger Marguerite Botha told a public meeting in Old Noarlunga last Wednesday, November 9, the program would ensure residents’ efforts were co-ordinated with those of the council.
“If we are in the town and we’re doing some scaring activities, it would be great to see you get out there too, make some noise, bang some pots and pans,” she said.
“We’re also asking people to let us know of any scaring tactics they’ve tried in the past that have worked.”
The public meeting was organised by the council and Environment Department to explain how this year’s $70,000 corella management plan would work.
The community is divided over the decision to kill corellas for the first time in six years.
Council city development manager Terry Sutcliffe told the meeting the number of corellas flocking to Old Noarlunga was increasing.
He said new measures were needed to stop the birds destroying trees, making noise and leaving droppings.
Environment Department regional ecologist Wendy Stubbs said corellas were smart.
“They learn quickly what is a danger and what’s just a perceived threat,” she said.
“Because of this, the management approach used by council this year needs to include a lethal element.”
Dr Stubbs said some birds would be shot while starter pistols, torches, vehicle-mounted lights and other scare tactics were used.
Most residents at the meeting lived in Old Noarlunga and were in favour of the shooting.
However, boos and hisses echoed from the gallery when a handful of people spoke against the move.
To volunteer to help scare corellas, contact the council on 8384 0705.