Not native to this part of Australia, Corella's must die. Busselton shire is ruled by Eco-xenophobia. Image by Geoff PenalunaBUSSELTON Shire Council is to continue with culling local cockies.
It said a 12-month program to reduce their numbers had been successful.
However, as letters in today’s Mail (pages 2 and 12) indicate, some believe the culling is unnecessary and are not convinced the corellas are not a protected species.
The shire said a corella control program, primarily utilising feeding and trapping methods, had resulted in the removal of 113 birds.
“The corella control program remains a sensitive issue,” shire president Ian Stubbs said.
“However, we feel very confident in the determination that the corellas around Busselton are not native.
“They are a nuisance; they cause significant damage and pose a genuine threat to our native fauna.
“Council supports continuing the feeding and trapping program, which has proven to be the most effective and humane method of control. Priority will also be given to ensuring members of the public are fully informed on all issues relating to the control program.”
A shire spokesperson said the aim of the program was to reduce the population of Little and Eastern Long Billed Corellas in the shire’s urban areas.
“Given the success of the feeding and netting operation, the council endorsed its continued use in order to keep flock numbers in check. The decision to proceed with the trial was made in August 2010 after leading specialists in the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) confirmed both species exotic to the area.
“It is understood that the large flocks of corellas common in and around the Busselton CBD have bred up in the wild from birds that have either escaped or been released from domestic aviaries.
“Initially a professional shooter was engaged, however, this proved ineffective.
“A subsequent feeding and trapping program carried out in conjunction with DEC proved more successful.
“This involved the shire feeding the corellas in a set location for three to four weeks before the DEC undertook a trapping exercise using a large net.
“Captured Little and Eastern Long Billed Corellas were then humanly euthanised.
“This trial resulted in the removal of 113 birds from the Busselton flock.
“Through its continued membership on the Exotic Corella Working Group, the shire will work closely with other local governments and agencies in the South West to develop appropriate actions for a combined response to the corella issue.
“The corella control program will concentrate on flocks in the Busselton and Dunsborough CBD areas where they tend to congregate.”