The man was fined $ 500 per bird. In total the Environmental Police confiscated 14 young parrots.Yesterday afternoon the Environmental police of Brazil arrested a man caught with eight baby parrots in his home in the city of Douradina. The man admitted to buying the 14 chicks for $ 550 in total and selling them for $ 100 each bird.
The birds were sold to residents of Douradina. All birds have been recovered. According to the police, the animals in the house of the accused were found inside cardboard boxes.
The offender was arrested by the Police Department of Umuarama, caught red-handed and fined $ 500 per bird. The People who bought parrots from him will be held accountable and fined.
In recent days the environmental police seized 32 wild birds that have been captured illegally says Lt. Alcimar Crecencio. "Unfortunately this adds to the destruction of natural habitat and increasingly threatens the biodiversity of fauna in our region".