Inbreeding, system shocks caused by fire or cyclones (for example), or demographic stochasticity (by which two or more outcomes are possible) such as how many males and females will be born in a single year, are all factors that threaten the persistence of small and fragmented populations. They can, however, be reverted by conservation actions.
If you have ever taken dancing classes, you will be familiar with the scarcity of male partners and how this can jeopardize group learning. When reproduction, rather than salsapirouettes, is at stake, a biased sex ratio can compromise the persistence of species. For instance, when females are unable to find males (or vice versa), fertility rates can collapse as a result – a well-known cause of an Allee effect(1). Curiously, natural selection can promote such bias by favouring a species’ investment in litters dominated by one of the two genders. The evolutionary formulation of such scenario is that females can adjust the sex ratio of their offspring depending on the amount of available resources (2) – see contrasting cross-taxa studies on this subject (3-5). Thus, when resources abound (e.g., food), mothers can afford the offspring’s gender requiring more resources to reach adulthood or once adulthood is reached, is less likely to reproduce successfully (6). This predisposition to one gender or another can be key to the conservation of endangered species (7).
At the end of the 1990s, the New Zealand Department of Conservation placed dispensers of supplementary food in the territories of some kakapo (a rather enormous, flightless parrot Strigops habroptilus) to encourage their reproduction. Back then, only 60 individuals were left of the entire species . Unfortunately, those females with access to the supplemental food conceived 67% of male chicks (so exacerbating the fact that kakapo populations are naturally male-biased), while those females without extra feeding had 71% of female chicks (8). Something wasn’t working.
Assuming that diet regimes could alter sex ratios, and knowing that kakapo mums in excess of 1.5 kg often reproduced successfully (9),Bruce Robertson et al. (10) designed a field experiment to modify the body condition of females. From the end of the Austral winter (June 2001) to the start of reproduction (January 2002), the Kiwi team supplied ad libitum food in the territories of 8 females weighing less than 1.5 kg, and restricted supplementary feeding to 6 females over 1.5 kg. Following mating, all females were provided with ad libitum food, and their chicks were sexed. In a nutshell, the experiment showed that the 14 females monitored reached 1.8 kg at the end of winter and managed to lay a total of 15 clutches. This was during a good year for the species as a whole, with 67 eggs layed of which 26 chicks hatched and 24 fledged. The excellent news was that male:female ratios neared parity in both feeding treatments, namely 9:10 (ad libitumfeeding) and 7:9 (restricted feeding).
Kakapo reproduce in leks, that is, males engage in nuptial rituals of movement and vocalizations to impress females, and females choose the winners of the contest. Males then provide sperm, and thereafter females take full charge of bringing up the offspring. Looking at this reproductive strategy through three generations, those females that nurture the males which, as adults, will win the reproductive contests of their leks, secure the transfer of their genes to their grand-chicks. Therefore, a son is an advantageous (evolutionary) investment, but subject to the uncertainty of whether a given male will outcompete his rivals in mating. Kakapo females seem to take the risk of delivering more males when their body condition peaks, relative to food availability. The reversal of sex ratios, through variation in diet regimes, reflects the malleability of evolutionary processes that can thus aid the management of endangered species.