Cracking pace ... Did you know that galahs can reach speeds of more than 70km/h? This pair of speedsters was caught on film by photographer David Cook. The end of winter is a busy time for our pink-feathered friends ... they are getting ready to mate. PICTURE: David Cook GALAHS are starting to show off and perform for their partners all over Australia, as they get ready for the breeding season.
Whether they are hanging out upside-down or playing soccer with pebbles on the ground, you will see plenty of playful activities at the moment.
“While often associated with noisy flocks, the Galah will be spending more time in pairs playing the goofy, loved-up parent around this time of year,” said Ms Susanna Bradshaw, CEO of the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife.
“Towards the end of winter, Galahs begin renovations and interior decoration of their nest hollows for the arrival of their eggs.”
She said Galahs were a lot like humans in many ways.
“They belong to very complex social groups that change over time. When a beloved, life-long mate passes away, they are often observed in stages of grief and can slip into depression.”
Galahs spent much of the day sheltering in the shade of big trees to beat the heat.
“This might be where they developed their highly social, almost human, personalities as they entertain each other during the long, hot hours.”
The parrot will often mate for life and both parents will take turns raising their babies.
When the kids grow up they also have the same habit of occasionally sticking around the family home too long, resulting in some cunning parenting tactics to encourage them into the big, wide world.
Unfortunately, many people lump the Galahs into the same category as their noisy cousins, the Sulphur-crested Cockatoo.
Most of us are familiar with the high pitched “chi chi” call that the Galah makes, but Galahs don’t reach the same deafening decibels that the Sulphur-crested Cockatoo is capable of.
While both birds are very similar, the Galah is smaller, quieter and less destructive.
There are plenty of creative options for living more harmoniously with Galahs: