Macaw Races Scooter
Sunday, August 24, 2014 at 10:03
City Parrots in Ara ararauna - Blue-and-Gold Macaw, Free-flight

Cats and dogs on motorcycles or inside bike sidecars are exceptional fun each time I stumble upon such a sight, but the video after the jump has really made my day. If one could ride a bicycle and take his or her dog for a walk, or even have the cat clawing to a piece of cloth strapped to the bike’s fuel tank, this fellow, who appears to be in Greece, decided to race his blue Macaw parrot… on a scooter!

Truth be told, I sort of feared that the scooter and the parrot would collide at times, but seeing the smart bird even dodge an incoming car reassured me that such a thing is unlikely to happen. Even more, I was almost expecting that the parrot actually sat on the scooter, getting some rest while balancing and maybe spreading its wings in a Titanic-like wind embrace. It looks like the bird was either not a fan of Titanic or just simply not in the mood for cheesy stuff, especially as racing the scooter seemed so much fun.

The owner of the parrot says that he did nothing to train the bird for such a trick. “I did not train him. It happened once and I just encouraged him ever after,” the rider adds. It looks like Vito, for this is the name of the Macaw, also enjoys flying around his owner while he travels in the area, sometimes as far as 5 kilometers (3 miles) to a nearby village. Anyway, hearing the parrot continuously greeting people only made things even funnier. Now, that’s a really cheerful companion for your two-wheeled trips!

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