Kaka pay a flying visit to SpringfieldSpringfield residents have been treated to the sight of a couple of flying visitors in the shape of two threatened kaka.
The birds have been spotted in a large kauri tree on Otonga Road.
"I suspect the pair is visiting from Mokaihaha," said Department of Conservation (DOC) ranger Erin Patterson.
"There is a fairly large population of kaka at the Mokaihaha Ecological Reserve and kaka are sometimes sees around Mount Ngongotaha. It's great to hear that kaka are being seen so close to the CBD and that local residents are excited by their presence."
Kaka are only found in New Zealand and populations are nationally vulnerable, with fewer than 10,000 thought to exist.
DOC was alerted to the sighting by Otanga Primary School teacher Amanda Jeffrey.
"I've seen the kaka at dusk and dawn and they have been photographed up close by one of our students," she said.
"I have been talking to quite a few locals and people are pretty thrilled."