Bird Nerd Rescue Sanctuary Volunteer and Adoption Coordinator Connie Phillips with Eclectus parrot. (Phil Masturzo)At one time or other, you might consider buying a parrot. The birds remind us of warm breezes and sandy shores, tempting us to shelve responsibilities and head for the tropics.
But the impulse, in the immortal words of Jimmy Buffett, may be "a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling" — sort of like getting a tattoo while inebriated.
Depending on the breed, a parrot can live 50, 60, or 100 years or more. Some, such as brilliantly colored large macaws, are gauged to have the intelligence of a 6-year-old. Can you imagine handling a petulant child that has a bite force of 500-700 pounds per square inch and is not afraid to use it?
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