Protecting Mexico’s Feathered Treasures

The international pet trade is likely second only to habitat reduction as the biggest threat facing parrots in the wild. With 22 native parrot species, Mexico is at the forefront of the battle to save its iconic birds from becoming commodities of the pet trade. Early signs suggest it is winning the war.
Amazona xantholora - Yellow-lored Amazon,
Ara macao - Scarlet Macaw,
Ara militaris - Military Macaw,
Aratinga canicularis - Orange-fronted Parakeet,
Aratinga holochlora - Green Parakeet,
Aratinga nana - Olive-throated Parakeet,
Aratinga strenua - Pacific Parakeet,
Bolborhynchus lineola - Barred Parakeet,
Brotogeris jugularis - Orange-chinned Parakeet,
Forpus cyanopygius - Mexican Parrotlet,
Pionus senilis - White-crowned Parrot,
Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha - Thick-billed Parrot | in
Wild bird trade