Baby Parakeet Topples Along With Mighty Locust

Monk parakeets in MadridMadrid has declared war on monk parakeets that they say threaten the peace of mind of the Spanish capital's human residents and the survival of native species of birds and animals. The city is to begin a cull of the American raccoons and the South American parrots whose populations are reaching plague proportions in their opinion.
Population of monkparakeets dropt from 77 to 31 in the five years of UK Government action costing £50,000 a year. Image by Cláudio TimmA Government department is continuing with a parakeet culling programme costing £50,000 a year, despite only catching one of the birds on the Isle of Dogs in the last 12 months.
Several colonies of brightly-colored Quaker Parrots, also known as Monk parakeets, have taken up residence in Bergen County towns along the Palisades. The tropical birds have flourished year-round in large nests built in treetops and utility poles. Image by Brandon Keim LEONIA — Nearly 500 customers were without power early Wednesday morning after a Quaker parrot nest caused a transformer to overheat, PSE&G officials said.