Protected birds accused of destroying crops

Muir's Corella's are endangerd. Will death by farmer be their extinction? Image by Eve ParryFarmers in the South West say they should be allowed to take measures to stop the endangered Muir's Corella destroying their crops.
Manjimup farmers, who mostly grow oats and barley to feed their livestock, say thousands of Corellas are digging up seeds.
They say, because the birds are endangered, there is nothing they can do to stop them.
Farmer Les Park says the birds need to be controlled.
"I personally would like to be able to legally get into them with a shotgun," he said.
"Not to destroy the lot but it would convince them to go somewhere else."
"At the moment, we're not allowed to chase them, not allowed to shoot them and yet we're still expected to feed them and nobody's paying for it," Mr Park said.
Department of Agriculture staff have been instructed to visit farms affected by the Muir's Corella and report their findings to the Minister for Agriculture and Food, Kim Chance.