Critically endangered Yellow-eared parrot has record breeding year – Edging away from the abyss

Yellow-eared parrot looking out from nest. Image by: ProAvesConservation work by ProAves in Colombia is paying dividends as numbers top 1000
September 2008. Unprecedented progress has been made towards the conservation of the Critically Endangered Yellow-eared Parrot in Colombia. A total of 80 nests, both natural and artificial, were reported and monitored by ProAves as well as the successful fledging of a fantastic 203 chicks.
These results highlight the successes of ten years work that demonstrates that continued conservation actions developed by ProAves and Loro Parque, together with environmental education campaigns, reforestation of key areas and involvement of the local communities, have led to a sustained population increase for this flagship species in Colombia. Importantly, the Yellow-eared Parrot population has now climbed to over 1,000 individuals from an originals 81 birds discovered by ProAves in April 1999.
The Yellow-eared Parrot is now returning to areas it historically inhabited before being persecuted and with more nest boxes and palms available we hope that soon it will be a common sight across the Andes of Colombia and Ecuador.