Carnaby's cockatoo threatened as development gets green light

GONE: One of the last remaining bushlands for the endangered Carnaby's Cockatoo is to be redeveloped. ONE of the last remaining bushland homes of the endangered Carnaby's Cockatoo will be cleared for development, the government announced today.
Environment Minister Donna Faragher gave the final tick of approval for the University of Western Australia's contentious proposal to build residential housing on Underwood Ave in Shenton Park.
Just less than half of the 33.4 hectare lot will be left as bushland after the Environmental Protection Authority recommended the development go ahead subject to conditions.
An area the size of eight Subiaco Football Ovals will be cleared and the site is one of the last remaining areas of native bushland in Perth’s western suburbs and home to endangered species including the Carnaby's Cockatoo - struggling to survive from habitat loss.
The move has outraged environment protection group World Wildlife Fund of Australia, which is calling on Premier Colin Barnett to overturn the Minister's decision.
"Anything less would be to backflip on Mr Barnett’s previous reported opposition to development of the University of WA-owned site," WWF WA director Paul Gamblin said.
“It is vitally important habitat for the endangered Carnaby’s black cockatoo, a species already under severe stress from habitat loss across the Swan Coastal Plain."
In the past, the Federal Government’s Environment Department recommended against the UWA Underwood development.
But Minister Faragher said the decision follows agreement on the development from the Water Corporation, the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) and the City of Nedlands.
Ms Faragher said she had upheld appeals relating to the impact of the development on Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo habitat.
“As a result of this consultation, I believe the conditions provide a balanced and agreed approach to the conservation and development of the Underwood Ave site.”
WWF say the area is a critical ‘stepping stone’ of bushland linking Kings Park and Bold Park.
“For the Environment Minister to allow this - one of the last stands of native bush in the western suburbs to be bulldozed - is unacceptable.”
"With the approval of three new coal-fired power developments on Monday, this makes two decisions in three days that pose serious questions about the Barnett Government’s commitment to the environment.
Through the conditions, the Minister has required UWA to:
• establish a 13.9 hectare conservation area to be covenanted for the long-term protection of plant species suitable for foraging and roosting for Carnaby's Black Cockatoo. This area, together with the two hectares reserved for public open space, means approximately 47 per cent of the site will not be developed
• prepare and implement a rehabilitation and management plan for the conservation area
• develop the site in a staged manner, subject to future approvals
• submit an environmental compliance report every year to the office of the EPA and the City of Nedlands, stating whether the proponent has complied with each condition. These reports are to be publicly available.