New nests to protect local cockatoos
ALCOA is working to reduce its effect on the environment by helping build special shelters for threatened species of black cockatoos.
During the year, Alcoa will erect 10 cockatoo nests, or ‘cockatubes’, as part of a trial program to help provide a safe habitat for the birds.
The nests were constructed and purchased from Serpentine Jarrahdale Landcare Centre, and were made from a dense black poly pipe, with a top entrance designed to discourage bees from using them. Alcoa’s environmental scientist ecologist Vicki Stokes led the operation.
“We know that red-tailed black cockatoos will use the nests from trials that have been conducted by the WA Museum and Serpentine-Jarrahdale Landcare Group,” she said. “So far we have successfully installed six of the 10 nests.”
The nests will be monitored during the breeding season of the red-tailed black cockatoo between October and February.