Superb way to support parrot

Superb parrotThe Orange community is invited to flock to Bloomfield Park to celebrate Superb Parrot Day on December 4.
Orange Field Naturalist and Conservation Society secretary Tony Smith said the event was pitched at people of all ages and aimed to lift the public profile of the endangered superb parrot.
“We’re very lucky to have a growing population in Orange,” he said.
Mr Smith said while the parrots could also be spotted in Molong and Cudal they were not readily found in most parts of NSW.
Mr Smith said he hoped people of all ages would be keen to learn more about the parrots and children participating in the day would be given pictures of the parrots to colour in.
“We really want to increase the public’s appreciation and awareness of them,” he said.
The parrots, which are being encouraged to breed in the Orange area via the construction of a series of nesting boxes, have a green body, yellow chest and red throat.
Mr Smith said his organisation was working closely with the Department of Primary Industries’ Peter West to ensure the day’s success.