Students get behind project

Prolific on Matiu Somes Island. Kakariki is also known as the red-crowned parakeet (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae). Image by Peter HodgeBehind closed doors the Long Bay College wood technology class is undertaking a unique project in the name of conservation.
In collaboration with Auckland Zoo's resident vet Bethany Jackson, the students are constructing nesting boxes for the red-fronted parakeet on Tiritiri Matangi Island.
HANDYWORK: Long Bay College student Adam Meissner, 15, works on a nesting box for Tiritiri Matangi Island's kakariki.The vulnerable bird, also known as the kakariki, is under threat from beak and feather disease.
Ms Jackson says the disease can kill young birds within 24 hours or cause older birds to lose their feathers over time.
The nesting boxes will provide a secure environment for the birds to breed while enabling her to see whether the disease is passed on to newborn chicks.
"This is the only parrot in New Zealand that has the disease so far and due to their robust breeding behaviours we thought it would be a good bird to monitor the effect of beak and feather disease," Ms Jackson says.
"If it impacts on the kakariki population then it could be devastating to other more endangered birds and could threaten to wipe out the entire species," she says.
The year 10 class from Long Bay College took time out from their cabinet making project to make 35 nesting boxes.
Wood technology teacher Jeff Evans says it has been a great opportunity for the class.
"Because it is so practical the students are really enjoying it and it's good for them to see their skills can serve a wider use with conservation," Mr Evans says.
"A handful of students will get to go with Bethany to Tiritiri Matangi to install the boxes and then report back on their experience."