Regret over gassed birds

Corella in Centennial Park, Sydney, AustraliaCITY of Bayswater Mayor Terry Kenyon has expressed his distaste for the recent gassing of corellas in Maylands.
Prior to the cull, Cr Kenyon said he did not like the idea of killing birds but admitted he was not an environmental expert.
But at last week’s council meeting, he displayed an Eastern Reporter article (“Distress at corella cull”, March 29) and told a packed public gallery he regretted supporting the Department of Environment and Conservation initiative.
“I love the birds and in hindsight I’d never approve something like this again,” he said.
“I wish I’d never supported it.
“It was the DEC, not the City of Bayswater, that asked for this.
“I certainly would not be supportive of any cull in the future.”