Meet Tobey, the parrot popping human pills to beat his wheeze

Valerie Hyrst's parrot is being treated with human medications. Picture: Dave SwiftSAVING the life of Tobey has been a remarkable effort but this much-loved Alexandrine parrot is not your average bird.
Tobey was struck down with a deadly fungal infection called aspergillosis, which made him wheezy and lethargic, and caused an air sac lesion.
A month ago he was prescribed a human antifungal medication, Voriconazole, by avian expert Dr Kathy Fearnside from Normanhurst Veterinary Practice.
"I don't know of any other bird in Australia that has been on this medication," said Dr Fearnside, who became aware of the treatment from clinical research overseas.
And the good news is that he is responding well.
The four-year-old parrot is also on a nebuliser twice a day and antibiotics. It's been an anxious time for Tobey's owner Valerie Hyrst, who is happy he is on the mend.