COAMA finds Golden Conures in south-east Brazil

One of eight Golden conures found recently close to Joinville Brazil. Image by Edson DresselA surprise from nature says COAMA (The Atlantic forest birdwatcher club). The discovery of 8 Golden conures (Guaruba guarouba) close to Joinville Brazil. This endangered species is usually only found in Brazils Maranhãom, Amazonas and Pará states. Joinville is miles away from their natural range.
The discovery took place on the 161 year anniversary of the Town, March 9, 2012.
The population is small but reproducing. Image by Edson DresselLocals informed COAMA that this population used to consist of just 4 individuals in the past. The present 8 birds result from successful breeding.
The population is probably introduced by man. Unconfirmed sightings close to nearby Curitiba suggest more introduced populations of golden conures might exist in the metropolitain areas of south-eastern Brazil. Strengthening the idea that this species could benefit from reintroduction into urban areas like Belém, Pará.
One of the Golden Conures in flight. Image by Edson DresselCOAMA is presently investigating the movements of the “Ararajubas” as Brazilians call these enigmatic birds. They will soon release more information on their diet preferences and habitat use. Stay tuned!