Bird lovers come together to find missing parrot

KITSAP COUNTY, Wash. -- A missing parrot had a volunteer search team combing the woods in Kitsap County on Monday, and thankfully the ordeal had a happy ending for the bird's worried owner.
The African grey parrot, named Arrowin, flew off on Saturday when owner Sherry Houk took him outside to get a little sunshine.
Houk thought the bird's wings had been clipped.
"In three seconds, something spooked him," Houk said. "So I watched him fly away from me."
Houk spent the rest of the weekend searching for Arrowin and getting the word out to as many people as she could.
"Facebook, Craigslist, all these bird communities," she said.
To her surprise, total strangers were soon volunteering to help Houk find her bird.
"I don't know these people and they are helping me find my bird," she said.
As the search party was out combing the area, they heard Arrowin calling from high up in a tree about a half mile away. Before they could attempt to get him down, the bird flew away.
Just as everyone was about to give up hope, Arrowin turns up once again. Determined to keep him from flying away, Houk went home and got the bird's brother.
The tactic work, and Arrowin was finally back where he belonged.
"I though I'd lost him forever, absolutely," Houk said. "This is amazing just to be able to hold him again. This is my little boy."