Max the African Grey parrot shot by thugs

John Bower with his Parrot Max who was shot in the wing.A PARROT is recovering after being shot in the wing.
Police believe Max was hit by a BB or pellet gun.
The 30-year-old African Grey parrot was relaxing in his owner, John Bower’s, back garden when he was attacked.
Mr Bower, 61, of Thompson Drive, Outwood, said: “He was really lucky, the vet said if it had hit him on his head or in the chest it would have killed him.
“Thankfully he was sitting in the position he was.
“He seems a lot better now, he has finished his course of antibiotics and the wound is healing. But he’s still limping on his right hand side.”
The shooting happened on Saturday.
Behind Mr Bower’s house lies a railway banking which has become a popular place for children to play.
Mr Bower said: “I don’t like to put blame on people but what I think is some kids have been messing around and have taken a shot at Max.
“Personally I don’t agree with shooting animals, they are all entitled to live their lives in peace.”
Max is well known among his neighbours and has lived with Mr Bower since he was a fledging.
Mr Bower said: “He loves being in the back garden.
“He never shuts up, he’s always talking and if any of the neighbours are in their gardens he shouts to them, he’s always saying hello to e veryone.”
Mr Bower contacted the police who have now launched an investigation.
Anyone with any information about the shooting should contact the North West neighbourhood police team (NPT) on 101.
The NPT can also be contacted by searching for them on Facebook.
Alternatively call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.