Corella clean up in Old Noarlunga to cost Onkaparinga Council ratepayers

A pair of Little Corellas feeding (with the customary left-handed grip). Image by LeoRATEPAYERS will pay an extra $22,000 to clean up the corella poo and debris blighting Old Noarlunga streets.
Onkaparinga Council last night voted to increase waste collection, street and footpath sweeping, playground cleaning and tree maintenance in the suburb during the corella season, from December to April.
The decision follows a survey of Old Noarlunga residents and comes after councillors voted in July to lobby the State Government to take control of corella culling in the district, after last season's culling program had little impact.
Mayor Lorraine Rosenberg told last night's meeting the council was waiting for a government decision.
Old Noarlunga residents have long complained about the birds littering the area with droppings, keeping them awake at night, killing trees, swooping and ripping up ovals.