Old Noarlunga residents who support corella cull threatened

Wayne Henkel (front) with fellow Old Noarlunga residents Cathie Lincoln-Bouts, Bobette Henkel, Jim Lincoln, Jean Christine and Bob Law with some of the signs. Picture: Stephen Laffer Source: AdelaideNow SIGNS threatening Old Noarlunga residents who support culling corellas have been posted around the suburb.
The cardboard signs saying "save the corellas, cull a resident" have been displayed on stobie poles and put in residents' letterboxes over the past two weeks.
Old Noarlunga resident Wayne Henkel, who had a sign put in his letterbox, said it was "quite threatening".
"It's got quite personal and it's no wonder people are hesitant to speak out about the corella problem," Mr Henkel said. It came after Onkaparinga councillors voted in July to lobby the State Government to take control of corella management in the district, after last season's culling program had little impact.
Old Noarlunga residents have long complained about the birds littering the area with droppings, keeping them awake at night, swooping and ripping up ovals.
Mayor Lorraine Rosenberg said last week the council was still waiting for the government decision about taking over the birds' management.