Feathers fly over corella invasion in Brighton East

Bridget Organ lives near Landcox Park and says the corellas are wreaking havoc. Picture: Sarah Matray Leader FLOCKS of shrieking corellas in Brighton East are being compared with a Hitchcock horror film.
Brighton East's Bridget Organ said hundreds were flocking to Landcox Park, destroying garden furniture, pecking through pipes and upsetting children.
"We seem to have an invasion of corellas in the park and their numbers have been expanding," Ms Organ said. "They're very destructive ... to trees, rooftops and pipes."
Naomi Kovacs said she'd also seen cockatoos with chunks of bread, and urged park visitors not to feed them.
Mrs Kovac said the birds had damaged her rooftop solar panels twice, and their cries reminded her of Hitchcock's The Birds.
"They upset my young children with their aggressive behaviour and noise," she said.
"Initially, they only stayed high up in the trees, now they casually walk around on the ground in our backyard."
Bayside City Council city strategy director Shiran Wickramasinghe said they had received complaints, but urged residents to be more tolerant of local wildlife.
"Avian fauna, such as long-billed corellas, are often in abundance throughout Bayside at this time of year," Mr Wickramasinghe said.
"The populations are transient and usually move on after feeding on favoured trees, fruits and grubs."
"Council officers do not link their presence to feeding by local residents."