Moora community helps endangered cockatoo

Dig deep: Marie Carter, Harry Carter and Don Williams at the community planting day.NEARLY 20 volunteers, plus a class from St Joseph's Primary School, planted almost 3000 seedlings in Moora to increase nesting habitat for Carnaby's black cockatoos.
Helping out: Tafe students from CY O'Connor Institute help with the planting.Moore Catchment Council (MCC) held three community planting days last fortnight at sites along the Moore River.
Revegetation efforts aim to increase the area of foraging and nesting for the cockatoos in Moora.
Green thumbs: Kim Fisher, Connor Bruce and Corey Short get to work with the tree planter and a bucket of trees.The Shire of Moora contributed additional seedlings grown by the CY O'Connor Institute of Tafe from local seed collected by Don Williams.
A further 2000 seedlings will be planted around Moora by a contractor in the coming weeks.
Shoverls ready: Digging the holes for the trees were Will Butcher and Erin Brown.Thanks went to all the volunteers, including students from the CY O'Connor Institute of Tafe and St Joseph's Primary School, Don Williams and the Shire of Moora, and to Moora Citrus for housing the seedlings in their nursery.