Group helps injured parrots

SoCal Parrot founder Brooke Durham feeds two eager rescued baby parrots with syringes. Nicole Sours LarsonNew nonprofit organization rescues, rehabilitates birds
The call came in to SoCal Parrot’s 24-hour emergency hotline just before the July Fourth weekend. A wild parrot had built her nest in the attic of a Point Loma home. The owner wanted the raucous nestlings gone before her holiday party; she had called an exterminator, but preferred to have the removal by a rescue group.
The four squawking babies were trapped in insulation. By the time rescue founder Brooke Durham crawled into the attic, one had died and the survivors were in distress. She whisked them away to recover and mature at SoCal Parrot’s sanctuary in Jamul.
“We’re not afraid to drive a distance to save a wild injured parrot,” Durham explained.
Durham, a metal artist and licensed wildlife rehabilitator, began working with wild parrots about eight years ago, while volunteering with Project Wildlife. She discovered that no organization in the region focused on the plight or protection of injured wild parrots.
Durham with Hilo, a lilac-crowned Amazon. Durham was volunteering with Project Wildlife eight years ago when she rescued and adopted Hilo. Nicole Sours Larson These ultra-social birds, endangered in their native countries, lack legal protections in the U.S. as naturalized nonnative species. She founded the nonprofit SoCal Parrot to rescue and rehabilitate injured wild parrots and return them to the wild if possible.
Primarily Amazons and conures, these parrots are descended from escaped wild-caught imported parrots, not captive-born or released pets. They breed and form flocks in urban areas with mild climates.
SoCal Parrot’s staff and volunteers nurse injured birds back to health and introduce them into their aviary’s foster flock of 50 to 60 parrots.
“Many babies we receive are put in with the wild birds, who teach them (survival skills) to be wild,” Durham said. “Once they join the wild flock, it takes about a month before they see us as enemies. We isolate them from humans.”
“Most will be released as a flock into the wild,” explained Development and Education Director Amanda Plante, who manages wild parrot education programs.
“They have a better chance of survival as a family unit. They may split up on their own, but it will be their decision,” Durham added.