Shire to assist corella battle

ROOSTING: Hundreds of long-billed corellas have caused damage to the town's sports venues.GANNAWARRA Shire Council will work alongside Kerang sports venue operators to limit damage caused by an increase in the long-billed corella population.
The Kerang Lawn Tennis Club, McLeod Oval and Riverside Park have been damaged since hundreds of the native birds began roosting in the area earlier this month.
The western turf at the town's main cricket field was repaired in time for Saturday's resumption of Northern District Cricket Association action, whilst four of the tennis club's courts will be out of action until the Easter tournament.
"It appears that efforts to move the corellas from Riverside are moving them to the tennis club, and their efforts to shoo them away are moving them back to Riverside Park," shire infrastructure services director, Geoff Rollinson said.
"We will need to converse with the Department of Environment and Primary Industries to determine what can be done."
Council staff are liaising with other municipalities to find out ways to encourage the corella population to leave the area.
The shire's role in assisting the affected organisation is limited due to management structures.
The three venues are either owned independently of the shire or overseen by committees of management, whereas venues in Cohuna are owned by the shire after previous arrangements between groups and the former Shire of Cohuna.
The habitat for long-billed corellas is grassy woodlands and grasslands, including pasture and crops, as well as parks in urban areas.
They feed on grass seeds, corms, bulbs, roots, grains and insects, using their long white beak to dig for roots and seeds, resulting in the damage seen throughout the area.