Cockatoo resource

Carnaby's Black-cockatoos having a drink. Image by ron_n_beth A NEW resource is available for landholders who have the endangered Carnaby's cockatoos on their farms.
A booklet has been produced by BirdLife Australia and was launched at the Albany Agricultural Show.
It will be distributed as widely as possible to farmers across the cockatoos' range of the species.
The booklet has been designed to raise landholders' awareness about the Carnaby's on their properties, and to promote actions that will help the cockatoos to survive across farming landscapes.
It contains useful information about the habitats the cockatoos require, as well as practical advice about protecting bushland and nesting trees, revegetating for the birds, and increasing the number of nesting hollows.
More than 1000 copies have already been posted to NRM organisations, community groups and Department of Parks and Wildlife offices in regional areas.
To request a copy, contact BirdLife WA on 9383 7749 or
It can also be downloaded from BirdLife Australia
The Blackwood Basin Group also has copies in its Resource Library and welcomed farmers and interested people to come check them out.
The group is at 19 Bridge Street, Boyup Brook.
Production of the booklet was funded by South Coast NRM through the Australian Government's Caring for our Country program.