Plant a tree at Russell Island and save a cockatoo

Volunteers are needed to help plant trees for Glossy Black Cockatoos on Russell Island tomorrow. Photo: NSW GovtA bird in the hand is worth two in the bush is a saying applicable to tomorrow's tree planting exercise to help save the endangered Glossy Black Cockatoos at Russell Island.
Bird lovers will plant more than 700 trees at the island's 10th annual event, to coincide with Threatened Species Week.
Volunteers are needed for the planting, which will be held at the corner of Bamboo Road and High Street, Russell Island from 9am to 11am on Saturday.
Redland City’s Cr Mark Edwards, whose Division 5 includes the bay islands, said more than 6000 native trees had been planted for the Glossy Black Cockatoo on the island in the past nine years.
“These cockatoos are very special Redlanders and Redland City Council is committed to ensuring they continue to have the habitat they need to thrive," Cr Edwards said.
The Glossy Black Cockatoo’s only source of food is the seeds of the black she-oak and forest oak, with females only laying one egg every two years.
It has a 90-day nesting period, longer than any other cockatoo, with the young dependent on the parents for at least 12 months.
Trees with large hollows are needed for breeding, emphasising why remnant vegetation must be retained as much as food trees.
Cr Edwards said the Glossy Black Cockatoo community plantings were held on the bay islands because that's where the species liked to live.
The cockatoos also are regularly sighted on the mainland at Alexandra Hills, Thornlands, Mount Cotton, Victoria Point and Redland Bay.
Council annually monitors the Glossy Black Cockatoo population and residents can help its survival by reporting sightings to the Glossy Black Conservatory at
Volunteers are told to bring sun protection and drinking water and wear enclosed shoes.
Council will provide tools and gloves, a sausage sizzle and refreshments.
Off-street parking will be available (UBD Ref. Map 248 K15) or catch the ferry from Weinam Creek Marina, Banana Street, Redland Bay, at 9am.
Register with IndigiScapes on 3824 8611 if you need a transfer to the planting site on Russell Island.